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Title A Comprehensive Review of Inherent Cracking Mechanisms in Concrete Structures: A State-of-the-Art Study
Authors 전동호(Dongho Jeon) ; 오홍섭(Hong Seob Oh) ; 권석민(Sukmin Kwon) ; 김동주(Dong Joo Kim) ; 표석훈(Sukhoon Pyo) ; 윤세윤(Seyoon Yoon)
Page pp.255-266
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 자기수축; 플라스틱 침하; 알칼리-실리카 반응; 열수축; 부식 shrinkage; plastic settlement; alkali-silica reaction; thermal contraction; corrosion
Abstract Cracking is one of the visually noticeable signs of deterioration when concrete structures face durability problems. Various crack mechanisms exist in concrete, and cracks occur due to the combined actions of these mechanisms. However, the first step to understanding concrete cracks is to understand intrinsic cracks. Therefore, in the present study, cracks that are not generated by external forces were classified as intrinsic cracks, and a review study was conducted on intrinsic cracks due to drying and plastic shrinkage, plastic settlement, alkali-silica reaction, thermal contraction, and reinforcement corrosion. Furthermore, in this work, various methods to control the aforementioned intrinsic cracks were also reviewed, and if properly applied in practice, it will be possible to reduce the damage to concrete structures caused by intrinsic cracks.