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Title The Properties of Concrete Repair Mortar Using Ferro-Nickel Slag Fine Aggregate
Authors 윤석구(Seok-Goo Yoon) ; 권태환(Tae-Howan Kwoun)
Page pp.557-565
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 페로니켈 슬래그 골재; 보수 모르타르; 기초 특성; 내화학성 ferro-nickel slag aggregate; repair mortar; mechanical properties; chemical resistance
Abstract Fine aggregate made of ferro-nickel slag (FNS) is similar to natural fine aggregates and is used in concrete structures both domestically and abroad, but its applications and research areas are limited. In this research, in order to expand the availability of FNS and improve the performance of repair mortar products, the applicability of FNS to repair mortar for concrete was examined. Experimental results showed that FNS improves the flow of repair mortar because it has a low absorption rate, spherical shape, and glassy surface. Also, the high stiffness of the FNS aggregate itself is considered to contribute to the improvement of repair mortar quality, such as reduction in chemical resistance, by improving the compressive strength and flexural strength.